Anne Taylor. ADHD UK Ambassador
Hello, I’m Anne, and I’m honored to join ADHD UK as an Ambassador. Currently, I am awaiting a formal diagnosis for ADHD/ADD, a journey that has led me to deeply explore and understand the intricacies of neurodiversity. Professionally, I have dedicated my career to frontline service in the ambulance sector, where I witness firsthand how mental health conditions, including ADHD and ADD, affect individuals daily.
In my role, I have observed that individuals with ADHD often face unique challenges that can lead to increased interactions with emergency services. Research indicates that patients with ADHD are significantly more likely to require multiple visits to an emergency department.  Additionally, studies have shown that children with ADHD are more prone to accidental injuries, leading to higher rates of emergency department utilization.  These experiences have highlighted the critical need for awareness and support for those affected by ADHD/ADD.
By becoming an ADHD UK Ambassador, I aim to contribute to the organisations mission of positively changing what it means to have ADHD in the UK. Through this role, I hope to raise awareness, provide support, and foster a more inclusive environment for individuals with ADHD/ADD. By sharing my experiences and insights, I aspire to empower others to embrace their neurodiversity and thrive.
Thank you for this opportunity to make a meaningful impact.