Chris Hurcombe. ADHD UK Ambassador
Hi I’m Chris, I’m sure many of you reading this will relate to my story. For as far back as I can remember I never truely felt like I belonged, I felt different and like a failure in many aspects of my life. Whilst looking for answers I came across a video on ADHD and it was like they were talking about me. In watching more videos and researching the condition online I learnt to see beyond even my own misconceptions. Fast forward several years and a couple of misdiagnosis later, in August 2024 and at the age of 48 I finally found the reason (Not an excuse) for why I was ME; a diagnosis of ADHD combined-type.
Then, I saw a post on ADHDUK’s Instagram page about joining their Ambassador program and it was a no brainer; an opportunity to raise awareness of a condition that many, like I once did, still think in clichés. An opportunity to hopefully give people the same light bulb moment I had, seeing something in themselves that might explain the “Why?” I once so desperately sought myself. I’ve lived so much of my life wondering why I can’t do things that everyone else seems to find easy, “Eeking my way through life” and failing to adult. Now as an ADHD’r although my mind is filled with the What If’s of failed experiences and missed opportunities, as a proud ambassador for ADHD UK, I have the chance to turn that lived experience into a positive and help others seek answers, dispel the myths and raise some much needed money for a charity which is now very close to my heart.