Samantha Clarke. ADHD UK Ambassador

As Samantha Clarke, my life’s journey is a tapestry of personal trials, professional achievements, and a heartfelt commitment to championing neurodiversity, especially for those of us with ADHD. I wear many hats—an Assistant Professor at Coventry University, an ‘Expert by Lived Experience’ in ADHD, an ambassador for Women in Games, and, most endearingly, a nerd mum to my two children. My professional world revolves around designing for health and well-being, pushing the boundaries of education, healthcare, and technology to be more inclusive and person-centered. This passion has been recognized globally, with awards that honor the impact of my work.

But my journey to this point wasn’t straightforward. Behind what seems like a seamless academic and professional path, I’ve faced my share of struggles, especially with the traditional education system that often felt like it was designed for everyone but me. It was a system that seemed to miss the mark on understanding and accommodating diverse learning needs. I stumbled through failed exams and university attempts before it dawned on me: my needs were different. This realization wasn’t just an epiphany; it was the fuel for my drive to ensure that the future looks different for others who find themselves lost in the rigidness of traditional education and job roles.

My advocacy for neurodiversity is deeply personal. I see myself in the stories of those who are constantly battling to fit into a world that doesn’t quite accommodate their unique ways of thinking and learning. It’s this connection that drives me to dedicate my career to exploring and advocating for innovative, inclusive ways of teaching, supporting, and assessing education that recognizes and celebrates neurodiverse talents.

Joining ADHD UK as an ambassador is more than a title for me—it’s a platform to voice the challenges and triumphs of living with ADHD. It’s about using my journey and my voice to advocate for change, to help others see that with the right support and understanding, neurodiverse individuals don’t just manage; we thrive.

Outside of work, my life is filled with the joys of gaming and sharing this passion with my children. It’s in these moments of play and connection that I’m reminded of the importance of creating spaces where everyone can find their place and pursue their passions without fear or restraint.

Through my advocacy, I aim to inspire a shift in how we approach education and professional development—one that is grounded in empathy, understanding, and a deep appreciation for the diversity of human experience. By sharing my story, I hope to light the path for others, demonstrating that it’s possible to overcome challenges and make meaningful contributions, all while embracing the unique individuals we are.

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