
Jihan Natour. ADHD UK Ambassador

At the age of 31, I was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type. Since then, some aspects of my life that I struggled with in the past started to make more sense. Growing up undiagnosed resulted in many life challenges, the diagnosis became a key to understanding many of my behaviours, failures and success, interests and motivations, different intense emotions, and other ADHD traits that I have. Being always curious and interested in psychology and how it affects people’s lives and the way they feel, I started to learn about ADHD with utmost curiosity where I became a certified ADHD life coach to support people with ADHD.

I have great respect to what ADHD UK have achieved to support people with ADHD in the UK and have no doubt that there will be many achievements to come to support them politically, medically and on a various social and professional levels. I hope I will be contributing – not only to create awareness – but to also make a change for better healthcare, educational support and accommodation in workplaces for all people with ADHD in the UK.


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