The Guardian (2022)

“With my structures taken away by the pandemic, I just felt like everything was impossible. And then I saw a friend of mine who’s a successful cartoonist, posting about ADHD on social media, and I was: “Oh f**k, this is exactly what my life is like.” “

“[ADHD] definitely helps in writing jokes, because it’s all about being observant and your brain making unusual, fast connections. But at the same time, I feel so sad, because if I’d had medication or even an understanding of what it was, life might have been easier. I might have blown hot and cold, or appeared rude or lazy without realising. I wish I’d known when I was eight, but that’s the way life has panned out.”

Metro (2023)

“It makes so much sense because part of ADHD is connecting unusual things in your brain quickly, and that’s a big part of writing jokes”

“I can totally see how ADHD people can gravitate towards stand-up and comedy; it suits us so well in so many ways.”