Daily Express (2020)

“I wouldn’t change it for the world but it’s made me realise things about my behaviour. Take my lateness. I don’t like being late, I don’t sit there going, ‘I don’t need to go yet.’ What happens is, I go, ‘We have to leave. I must get my phone. Oh, hang on, just let me send an email.’

“Then I start typing, and one letter reminds me of the beginning of another word completely. ‘Oh yes, the letter D. Oh my God, I need my duffel coat.’ I’ll go upstairs for it, then come down with a whole load of other things and now I can’t remember what I went up for. But I’ve found the watch I lost a year ago. And that’s how it happens.

Sydney Morning Herald (2020)

It’s interesting that age 50, Heston was only recently diagnosed with ADHD.

“I only found out about my ADHD a few months ago, but I wouldn’t change me for the world, I love me,” he says without arrogance. “I don’t think I’m better than anyone else, but I love me … I wouldn’t change me for the world.”