Georgia Harrison is a reality TV star and social media star. She was in the third season of Love Island and has over 1 million followers on Instagram. She spoke about having ADHD and taking medication for ADHD in an interview with OK magazine in October 2021.

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OK (2021)

“I was really clever, in all of the tops, got mostly straight As and always intended to do well, but I had ADHD and didn’t know it.”

“I found it hard to concentrate, I was getting in trouble for being too loud, speaking when I shouldn’t, interrupting people, I had all of the symptoms,” 

“When I was younger, ADHD wasn’t really spoken about in schools.”

“Back then, the people who had ADHD were always treated like they were different, and put in different sets and stuff rather than being helped”

“So I guess my parents didn’t want to say ‘oh she’s got ADHD’ or whatever, they were like ‘oh well she’s not that bad, she’s not out of control’ – because I was actually doing alright in terms of my grades and stuff.”

The star admitted that her undiagnosed condition “definitely made my younger and school life hard”,”if I’d been diagnosed back then it would’ve really helped and given me so much more understanding”.

“I went to private school and I got thrown out of it”, “[I] was always getting in lots of trouble”.
“You know you’ve got to do so much stuff, but you end up staring at a wall. “Your brain just can’t figure out how to get it started, even though if you just did it, it’d be so easy but you physically can’t.”

“Now I take.. (medication).., and they really do help me”.

“I only got diagnosed officially in October 2020, and ever since then it’s helped me so much, I see things I didn’t see before.”

“I have found that a lot of people within this industry have ADHD too, a lot of reality TV stars.” “people with ADHD tend to be outgoing, have big personalities, and aren’t afraid to be outspoken and be entertaining all the time, which kinda makes sense”.