Alasdair Gill, known to his friends as Ali, is a chef and entrepreneur with a compelling life story. Ali channels his passion for food into his catering business, which is showcased on his Instagram account @gordonandgill. His social media presence is a tapestry of culinary creations and personal anecdotes, reflecting a life enriched by community and a love for the kitchen.

The Times (2023)

Alasdair Gill, a man who felt like a “dunce” for 29 years, discovered he had ADHD. After years of struggling with academic and personal challenges, he was diagnosed with ADHD and began to understand the reasons behind his difficulties. With proper treatment and support, Alasdair was able to navigate life with a new perspective and improve his well-being. His story sheds light on the importance of recognizing and addressing neurodiversity to help individuals thrive.