Rebecca Batstone. ADHD UK Ambassador

My name is Rebecca. When I was diagnosed two years ago at the age of 50, nobody was more surprised than me! I’ve spent pretty much my whole 30 year career in healthcare and yet it wasn’t until the combination of menopause and undiagnosed ADHD hit together (messy by the way) and after a chance conversation with a friend who is ADHD that it all fell into place and my whole life suddenly made sense. I’m an Ambassador for ADHD UK because I feel passionately that we must increase awareness and understanding. Knowing who I am after all this time has been empowering and I have so many strengths and skills but they were being drowned out by my challenges. Knowing how to express these positives whilst accommodating the bits I struggle with has made all the difference for me and I want to support others to show the world how brilliant they can be too.

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