Daran Thomas. ADHD UK Ambassador
My name is Daran and I live just outside of Berkshire, UK.
Throughout my life I’ve often wondered why I’m different to other people.
Sometimes it’s been easy to work out and sometimes (and even now..) I haven’t managed to work it out fully.
I am working progress too – and that is OK.
As with many others, it’s taken me years to understand AND appreciate that it’s not me that’s been different, the black sheep, the weirdo or the odd one out.
All the years that seem wasted by not knowing that just makes it better now when I (and you could too) realise that I am MY normal, I AM the person I should be, I am NOT defined by what others think or by how I think.
I have also been seeking external validation for answers.
Answers to questions I never considered I knew answers to already.
My learning experience has been profound realising this. Understanding That I’ve always had the answers, and I wasn’t asking the right questions.
Powerful, isn’t it?
My diagnosis
I was assessed and given a borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis in 2019, in 2024 I was assessed and given the ADHD one and I am currently waiting for an ASD assessment.
Like many (common theme) I suspect BPD was misdiagnosed but I have it now – So I will keep it, for now.
Work-wise, I am working full time as a Regional Security Director and have remit across EMEA as part of my role.
My company could do more to understand the complexities of someone like me and that is one reason I’m starting this part of my journey with ADHD UK as an ambassador.
My plan
Learn more – Explore training options for coaching as well as learning more about me.
Laugh more – This doesn’t happen enough.
Live more – I would like to do more peopling (or do I?)
My message and provoking thought
The journey you are on right now is an AMAZING THING!
Its 100% unique from about 8.2 billion other humans.
Think about it for a few seconds.
How special is that?
How unique are you?
If you have any doubts that you are not worth the effort, I can promise that you ARE!