ADHD UK Science Podcast

About this Podcast

Welcome to the ADHD UK ADHD Science Podcast, where we bring you the latest insights and breakthroughs in ADHD research. 

In each episode, a different topic is explored, and the guests are invited to share their research findings and ideas. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a person with ADHD, a parent, or simply curious about the science behind ADHD, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical information. Tune in to ADHD UK’s ADHD Science Podcast weekly!

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback at all, please fill out this form. We would love to hear your thoughts!

Your hosts: Max and Tess

Your hosts are father-daughter team, Dr Max Davie and Tess Davie, who both have ADHD. Max is a paediatrician and ADHD UK’s co-founder. Tess is at school and has a keen interest in developing her knowledge about ADHD. They have been hosting a fantastic line-up of researchers specialising in ADHD to find out more about their brains.

The ADHD Science Podcast by ADHD UK

ADHD Science Episode 1: Natalia Zdorovtsova

The brilliant Natalia joins us for a chat about her research, looking at the links between brains, thoughts and behaviours in ADHD and other conditions. Natalia can be contacted through the Cambridge Neuroscience website.

You can listen to it on PodBean here. You can watch it on YouTube here.

Alternatively, search for ADHD science in your podcast player, or paste into the RSS feeder


ADHD Science Episode 2: Ana-Maria Butura

A genuinely cutting-edge chat with Ana-Maria, one of the first people in the world to properly study masking in ADHD. You can find her on her Kings College London profile.

You can listen to it on PodBean here. You can watch it on YouTube here.

ADHD Science Episode 3: Aja Murray

In episode 3, we are joined by the brilliant Aja Murray of the University of Edinburgh to talk about anxiety and ADHD! This is such an important topic and Aja brings real passion and analysis to it.

You can listen to it on PodBean here. You can watch it on YouTube here. 

She is @AjaLMurray on twitter, and her departmental profile is here.

ADHD Science Episode 4: Abby Russell

In episode 4, we talk to Abby Russell, Senior Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Mental Health at Exeter University, about Tools for Schools, a project finding practical strategies for schools to support pupils with ADHD. 

You can listen to it on PodBean here. You can watch it on YouTube here. 

She’s on Twitter @DrAbbyRussell


ADHD Science Episode 5: Alex Hendry

In episode 5, we talk to Dr Alex Hendry from Oxford University. We discover the link between toddlers trying to get hold of sweets and ADHD, and Tess has a wild opinion about pianos!

You can listen to it on PodBean here. You can watch it on YouTube here. 

See her lab site here:


ADHD Science Episode 6: Kate Anning

In episode 6, Tess and Max welcome Kate Anning from the University of Cardiff. Kate’s work can be found here.

You can listen to it on PodBean here. You can watch it on YouTube here. 

Kate is on twitter @anning_kate


ADHD Science Episode 7 with Callie Ginapp

We are joined by the amazing Callie Ginapp, who is a resident in psychiatry at the Beth Israel Center, to talk about the things that are important to ADHD people, but don’t make it into the criteria.

Callie is @callieginapp at Twitter and bsky

Her paper is here

ADHD Science Episode 8 with Giacomo Grassi

We talked to Giacomo Grassi, Psychiatrist and ADHD researcher in Firenze, about the surprising relationship between hoarding and ADHD.

His paper is here

ADHD Science Episode 9 with Abbey McClemont

We discuss the impact of race on teacher assessments of pupil behaviour with Abbey McClemont of Buffalo University. 

Her paper is here

ADHD Science Episode 10 with Brenda Leung

Today we welcome Brenda Leung of the University of Lethbridge to talk about micro-nutrients in ADHD- fascinating stuff! 

Her paper is here

ADHD Science Episode 11 with Dennis Golm

We join the very lovely Dennis Golm to discuss the weighty subject of childhood maltreatment, and the connection to ADHD. We also get distracted by ducks. 

Dennis is @golmdennis on X/Twitter

The paper that we discuss is here

ADHD Science Episode 12 with Emma Van Andel

We are joined by Emma Van Andel, researcher at PsyQ in the Netherlands, to discuss the fascinating connections between light, melatonin, ADHD and sleep.

A much-requested and very important topic.

Her paper is here

ADHD Science Episode 13: A Q&A with Max Davie

We have something a little different for you!

We have asked the lovely followers of ADHDUK on social media to ask us questions and they have responded enough to fill 3 episodes!

This is part 1 in which we break down the biology and neurology of ADHD, talk a lot about the hungry brain and why epigenetics may or may not be a breakthrough.

ADHD Science Podcast Episode 13: A Q&A with Max Davie

Audio Player

ADHD Science Episode 14 with Giorgia Michelinin

Today we are joined by Giorgia Michelini, a researcher who has done so much great work on ADHD, but today talks to us about her study of EEG in the diagnosis of ADHD.

The paper we discuss is here

Email us as to let us know what we can do differently, or better.

ADHD Science Podcast Episode 14 with Giorgia Michelinin

Audio Player

ADHD Science Episode 15: Screen time with Professor Pete Etchells

We welcome Pete Etchells, one of the UK’s foremost experts on the effects of screen time and screen-based activities, to talk about his new book, ‘Unlocked’. 

We talk about attention, screens, and take a few detours along the way. 

Pete’s book can be found here

ADHD Science Episode 16: Q&A Part 2

The long-awaited second installment of our Q&A epic!

Relationships, decision making, memory, perfectionism, self-harm, hormones and sleep. Max and Tess cover it all in 45 action-packed minutes. Also, we have all the weather. 

ADHD Science Episode 17 with Professor Christian Beste

A Fascinating exploration of the idea that event segmentation may be fundamental to the ADHD brain. Prepare to have your mind blown!

Link to the Red Ballloon film- put it on in the background while you listen: The Red Balloon / Le Ballon Rouge (1956) (

Christian’s website: Startseite – Christian Beste (

ADHD Science Episode 18: Q&A Part 3 – Max debunks things

Another Q&A in which we cover food, laziness, reflexes, the gutbrain, food again, and medication breaks. It gets deep, it gets philosophical, and Max briefly sings. Check it out!

ADHD Science Podcast Episode 18: Q&A Part 3 - Max debunks things

Audio Player

ADHD Science Episode 19 with Tamsin Crook and Jenny McLaughlin

A very unique episode because we have two guests! Tamsin Crook is a career coach and researcher, who turned a coaching project into a piece of qualitative research.

ADHD Science Episode 20: Rhythmic attention with Andrew Haigh

How can squiggly lines on a page reveal the secrets of attention, consciousness and ADHD?
Follow Andrew Haigh, psychologist, and his willing sidekicks Max and Tess on a mindbending journey!
And one about information integration and consciousness: An information integration theory of consciousness | BMC Neuroscience | Full Text

ADHD Science Episode 21: Is Rhythm a dancer, after all? with Anders Rasmussen

Another of our episodes which comes from Max reading a paper and going ‘whoa…’ this one is with the very charming Anders Rasmussen from Lund. 

His paper is here:

ADHD Science Episode 22: Quality of life with Alessio Bellato

We are joined by the excellent Dr Alessio from Southampton Uni. We all give treatments because we think they will help people- but do ADHD meds fit the bill? 

Let’s find out!

Here is the paper: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Effects of Pharmacological Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Quality of Life – PubMed

Alessio’s details can be found here: Doctor Alessio Bellato | University of Southampton

ADHD Science Episode 23: Q&A part 3 – Medications

Max and Tess answer questions from our lovely Facebook group about medication!
We hope this is a helpful episode- please let us know!
Join the Facebook group here

ADHD Science Episode 24: The quest for diagnosis with Tom Nicholson

What is it like to battle the adversities of the diagnostic system? How does getting, or not getting, a diagnosis change the way parents see their children and themselves?

Tom Nicholson is an amazing force of nature in the ADHD world, and has done a whole PhD on this!

He has summarised it in this paper: and joins Max to discuss it. There is also a Tess cameo!

More Tom next week!

ADHD Science Episode 25: The positives of ADHD with Dr Tom Nicholson

Is ADHD a superpower? Is that a helpful way of talking about it.
Our guest, once again Dr Tom Nicholson, has done actual research on the positives of ADHD, as experienced by ADHD people ourselves!
Catch up with Tom on social media or at

ADHD Science Episode 26: The trouble with positive emotions, with Julia McQuade

Max is joined by Julia McQuade from Amhurst College, USA.
She studied the regulation of positive emotion in adolescents with ADHD, and found that control of these emotions predicted social success.
Max unpicks the implications of this and tries to to get too depressed about it!

ADHD Science Episode 27 with Isabelle Barclay

Max is joined by Isabella Barclay to talk about what factors lead to children getting an earlier vs later diagnosis- or even a diagnosis at all.
Isabella is a passionate advocate for ADHD, and needs to be listened to!