Sarah Blumenau

Sarah Blumenau

Sarah Blumenau. ADHD UK Ambassador Sarah Blumenau is a communication practitioner who works with leaders, groups and organisations from the public, private and charity sectors.  She helps clients become clear, confident, and consistent in all aspects of their...
Adam Collin

Adam Collin

Adam Collin. ADHD UK Ambassador Hi, I’m Adam Collin, and I was diagnosed with ADHD aged 30 and it was like I’d suddenly been given all the answers to a load of questions about my life after 30 years of not being able to work them out myself. I’d had a long...
Andy Morrison

Andy Morrison

Andy Morrison. ADHD UK Ambassador Hi! I’m Andy Morrison, I’m a Market Research Specialist for HSB UK&I and I was diagnosed with ADHD combined type in October 2023 aged 34. After enduring the lengthy process of obtaining a diagnosis, the availability,...
Laura Wills

Laura Wills

Laura Wills. ADHD UK Ambassador Hi, my name is Laura. I am a single mum to two boys one has Dyslexia like I do and my youngest son has just been diagnosed with ADHD. I work as a healthcare Assistant for 30 hours a week. I would like to spread more awareness for anyone...
Michael Wilson

Michael Wilson

Michael Wilson. ADHD UK Ambassador Hi, my name is Michael. As a business owner with ADHD, i have built up My Business from myself to well over 10 Staff working for me and running It daily and discussing the strategies and tools that helped me manage ADHD while growing...
Jihan Natour

Jihan Natour

Jihan Natour. ADHD UK Ambassador At the age of 31, I was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type. Since then, some aspects of my life that I struggled with in the past started to make more sense. Growing up undiagnosed resulted in many life challenges, the diagnosis...