England ADHD Prescriptions
Below shows how few prescriptions there are relative to the known population of people with ADHD. This substantially undermines any argument that there is over-prescription in England (and by likely extrapolation the UK) and, we would argue, is a strong indicator of under Assessment in England/UK.
We would further argue that the gradually increasing numbers are a positive indicator of individuals getting Assessments, of which a percentage chose medication. The positive aspect of individuals getting an assessment, learning of their condition, and now receiving the help they find beneficial (whether that choice is medication or not) should be seen as an indicator of improvement both systemically and individually. ADHD is a lifelong condition. Medication is an option for treatment and isn’t the choice of, and doesn’t suit, everyone.
have ADHD in the UK
have ADHD in England
individuals in England receive an ADHD prescription
individuals in England who have ADHD receiving a prescription
ADHD Medication (Annual)
Patients in receipt of ADHD medication per Quarter

Prescriptions Data Source: NHS Business Services Authority: Quarterly Releases and Annual Releases
Incidence Information: See ADHD UK’s ADHD Incidence Page
Last updated: March 2025