The remarkable 2 e-paper tablet that allows for written notes to be stored electronically and synced with your main devices. It’s a low distraction device offering solely note-taking. No distractions from app notifications or other things to do.
Offering a simplified and ultra-low distraction environment for hand writing notes with the benefit of electronic storage, organisation and multi-device access.

Please add your ratings and comments on this strategy below. Ratings help others learn what might help them and helps us build personalised recommendations for you.
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What others have said:
Star Rating Given | Comment | URL |
5 | An excellent tool to organise thoughts, ideas and so they become lost in the sea of emails or collect on piles of sticky notes on the desk, one stop memory bank. | |
1 | I dont know why but to me it feels like a prison:( | |
1 | Can't see what exactly is on offer or what the voucher is for. The webinar is a previous date, and I couldn't sign up (probably because the date has passed). It's all a bit confusing. | |
5 | When I got two monitors, I was so pleased that I almost instantly wanted three. Now that I have three I want more. Which has led me to the painful conclusion that I am really just using multiple monitors as a cope. the root cause of my productivity issues--my inadequate ability to prioritize means that I actually get more done the fewer screens i can access. | |
3 | This quote actually was created a number of years ago in relation to Gifted kids (I first read it in 2019 when I was going down the Giftedness rabbit hole). I guess @omgamiautistic has adapted it and now ADHD UK have done it too! It’s certainly useful in all those cases to help explain how labels help us to find our place. | |
5 | The two minute rule works for me, despite the risk of distraction. Some things feel small but are very important. Brushing teeth, cleaning up my dishes from lunch, watering the plants. These are things I could go days without doing because it always gets shifted to ‘later’ and then forgotten altogether. I’d rather risk getting distracted from work, than end up with cavities in my teeth and dead plants on my windowsill. | |
4 | I can see the value in using this technique in limited contexts - say, helping a school student with ADHD to focus on homework. It links in very well with 'Accelerated Learning' principles (see Alastair Smith - brilliant) in recognising that the brain (that's 'anyone's' brain too) works at its best for a limited time before it begins to switch off. | |
3 | i like to use this for getting started on big tasks, because if the timer goes off then i dont have to stop its just a thing for me to get started but it also helps with little tasks like chores. | |
4 | Massive risk that setting up the system becomes a distraction, and then another system comes along... But yeah the right system can help a team manage tasks while letting people present / organise things in their own way. | |
5 | Hadn't thought about this until I saw it on here as a strategy - I use two monitors so that I can have reference material up on one and work on the other. Stops me going off track when I toggle between windows and something unrelated catches my eye. | |
5 | Having a permanent desk (and my own toolbox in the workshop) means I know where everything is and I don't get distracted or stressed trying to find things. | |
5 | I am currently really struggling with various facets of who i am. Reading this analogy has given me comfort. Thank you | |
5 | I will give this a go. i definitely need to get more control over my craving for sugar and carbs | |
5 | I use this on a daily basis and it’s absolutely invaluable for keeping everything together. It takes a little thought setting it up, but I keep each topic in a different colour coded ‘notebook’. | |
5 | This has been life changing for me. I love it and no longer carry around a diary and notepads, post-it notes. It’s not perfect, but for me, it is a game changer | |
5 | Really good if you know exactly what you are doing and working SMART. | |
5 | I struggle to concentrate when colleagues are talking, phones ringing etc. I need silence or a background hum. A space like this would help enormously. | |
2 | Not good for Inattentive ADHD. Video learning is excellent, ability to stop, replay, pause is great. Add in Subtitles and I take more in. | |
4 | The last time I was struggling with ADHD symptoms I became pre-diabetic. Even though my diet wasn't bad, I was mentally exhausted and not exercising. Keeping my blood sugar levels low has helped with my mental energy. I no longer have cravings for sugar and carbohydrate, and my health is better for it. | |
5 | i like this as a way to see ourselves and no longer berate ourselves. I have generally had the 'will' but realise that overwhelm gets in the way of action. I'm also realising that the most important key for me to reduce the overwhelm is to break down the task into smaller parts which then feel pretty small and actually desirable to achieve! | |
4 | | |
4 | I am going to try this, I hadn’t thought of a physical list with a reason, this sounds better than the mental one I keep ignoring | |
5 | | |
3 | Great idea but very expensive as someone who has struggled with impulse spending, I have no savings and although this type of equipment would help me massively It would take me an age to be able to save for it. | |
3 | These would be great and massively helpful I get through a lot of notebooks for my work, unfortunately at over 400 quid not a feasible option for many | |
5 | Agreed I cannot afford 2 screen monitors so I switch between multiple tabs and my phone or by using the split screen feature on Microsoft edge | |
2 | It's more about remembering to brush them in the first place I keep mine on a shelf in my w/c downstairs that way I'm more likely to remember than if it was upstairs. | |
5 | | |
5 | Person who noted Marconi Union Weightless - Thankyou 🙂 | |
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5 | I'm going to try this as a reminder to STOP working! 🙂 | |
1 | Agree with last comment - my electric toothbrush reminds me to do my whole mouth and not skimp, but this only works on the days I even manage to pick it up...... | |
5 | I'm going to give this a go - with optimistic why's rather than pessimistic ones 🙂 | |
5 | disagree that a well built spreadsheet does the same as proper dedicated software. MS Project, Asana... ClickUp etc are all great project management software options and VERY ADHD friendly. | |
4 | I use this for the text to speech functionality. It’s really useful however, I find I use it more at home than work given background noise, confidential information and distractions. | |
5 | Really helpful for me, I either need two laptops open or two + an additional monitor. My problem is deskspace/monitor support because I work from home and move around a lot. | |
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5 | I find it much better when I need to look at 2 things to get a task done on 2 screens rather than flitting between tabs or programs | |
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4 | I get so angry with myself for not being able to do tasks and get angry at my husband for not doing them either, but I don't tell him I'm angry and I don't ask him if he can do certain things because when he does he doesn't do them to 'right'. He knows i'll always pick holes in what he does so he doesn't do stuff, and then I hate him for not doing things. It's never ending and things still don't get done. | |
4 | I get so angry with myself for not being able to do tasks and get angry at my husband for not doing them either, but I don't tell him I'm angry and I don't ask him if he can do certain things because when he does he doesn't do them to 'right'. He knows i'll always pick holes in what he does so he doesn't do stuff, and then I hate him for not doing things. It's never ending and things still don't get done. | |
4 | I use this strategy with some success, but as with anything for me, the critical factor is the preparation. If I've set myself a 2hr period of focused work, it's imperative I've done ALL prep work well in advance. In-task, the moment I encounter a barrier to making progress (finding a reference document, equipment, chasing a decision etc.) I find myself escaping the task at hand. It's pretty effective for me, but does require discipline and a thorough blocking of all notifications - I automate as much as I can, from smart-lighting, music, phone (Apple added support in iOS for multiple profiles which is a great feature for ADHDrs), Teams, email. I plan NOTHING for at least an hour after a focus period and use this either to triage any notifications/emails and/or entertain any side-quests that may have generated whilst in focus. | |
5 | I cant stand that i need order and symmetry but i can never ever do it and keep it that way!!... My whole life ive felt so lazy an beat myself up like nobody else!!! | |
4 | Makes perfect sense and now gives perspective that I am not lazy just need to find different techniques to complete tasks not half finish them and not get overwhelmed at the thought of the task. | |
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5 | Prolonged use of in ear blockers/filters can cause temporary tinnitus due to the brains attempt to counter the loss of volume. For this reason I prefer over ear but I use the loops engage earplugs when the kids at home are tired or excited and making a lot of noise. | |
5 | Gamechanger - lets me set up with exactly what I need and I don't feel strange for doing so. Prefer it too to working from home as I can body double. | |
5 | This is a great quote, and it was great when @omgimautisticaf on IG or X came up with it. You need to credit @omgimautisticaf because you are ripping off their work | |
5 | I am shocked to read this as this is the only way I can learn from videos. its also the only way I watch movies unless other ppl are there. Finally I listen to all audio messages in 2x. | |
1 | Software is immaterial A well built spreadsheet can do the same as some PM software tools. Its more important to have the correct discipline/delivery technique in place. Working in an Agile/ Sprint planning environment works well with ADHD. It gives you a prioritised task list and a defined window when those activities need to be completed. | |
1 | Personally I find the advice too prescriptive. My preference is to know the outcome then work with me to understand the first few steps in getting there. This gives me the space to be creative whilst not letting me get bogged down in task specifics. | |
5 | On paper plausible. In reality it's not that simple especially if your running a business from home. | |
5 | Brilliant idea. Where there is a why there is a way. When purpose is found we can achieve great things…. Even if it is just doing the filing! | |
5 | | |
5 | 2 monitors is absolutely vital - as is the 'pending' task documentation all over my desk | |
4 | Interesting, I though HA, HA, I would NEVER use this, but then saw the comment saying 'use the countdown to get out of bed', and I do that all the time. I am 55 and recently diagnosed by a university but waiting for NHS for over 18 months now. I am 55, female and being diagnosed had changed everything. | |
5 | Here are some instructions to do this (these are for Outlook desktop client on Windows). Before we start, create the folder that you want to move these emails to. Right-click in the folder tree in your inbox to create a new folder. Also, create a template for the automatic reply, using these instructions: Outlook configuration: 1. From the Home tab on the ribbon, click on the Rules drop down button, and choose Manage Rules and Alerts. 2. Click New Rule in the window that pops up. 3. Under "Start from a blank rule" highlight "Apply rule on messages I receive" and click Next 4. Where it says "Step one, select conditions", make sure that "Where my name is in the Cc box" is the only box ticked, and click Next 5. Under "what do you want to do with the message?" make sure that both "move it to the specified folder" and "reply using a specific template" are ticked. 6. Now look further down the dialog box: where it says "Step 2: edit the rule description (click an underlined value)" you need to ciick on the underlined words "a specific template". This will allow you to navigate to wherever you saved your template and select it, meaning that this reply will be sent every time you are CCd in an email (much like an out of office reply). 7. Also click on the underlined word "specified" in "move it to the specified folder". This will allow you to choose the folder you created earlier. If you're happy with this, you can click "Finish" and you're done. Or if you click Next you get the chance to set exceptions (perhaps you don't want this happen for emails from a certain person, for example). Clicking Next after that will let you set the name of the rule (which is optional). Good luck! | |
5 | I agree with this, but I'm curious whether one massive monitor (34" or so, equivalent to two screens) would work as well. | |
1 | There are no instructions on how to do it. I copied the text into Google “how do i Automatically move all emails that you are copied in on to a “Weekly Review” folder”. it gave instructions on how to Automatically move emails but not those that you are copied in on to. it was therefore a waste of time | |
5 | essential as I have real difficulty keeping track when opening and minimising multiple pages/documents. Two screens minimises the need for this. | |
1 | Not only do I have ADHD, but I have ASD and dyslexia as well. I tried to follow the instructions but found it difficult to process and interpret the information. | |
5 | Never considered this might be adhd related, I Always need two even three monitors | |
3 | I think this could work for some. In my experience, other people have struggled to respect this boundary. | |
4 | I have to hot desk at work. I hate it. Everything gets changed by previous users. We never get the same chair either! The desks have adjustable height and it's always wrong for me, screens to high/low, phone on the wrong sideof the desk. All before I even start my shift. I'd never really thought beofre how much this affects me! | |
5 | Being able to pick a desk with minimal distractions means I'm more likely to get work done. Having control over my environment also removes a stress from my day and managing stress makes my ADHD easier to manage. | |
5 | I’m 55, I have had struggles with depression and anxiety for most of my life. I was diagnosed this week with ADHD and feel vindicated for what I previously saw as a lifetime of never being a fully functioning successful individual. Just love this Zebra metaphor. Love your stripes people!! | |
5 | I swear by the Eisenhower Matrix templates they have - really helps you keep on track for value added tasks rather than just 'Busy' | |
5 | | |
2 | Difficult to achieve | |
5 | I love this! ☺️ | |
5 | This was really useful for me at uni. Not always possible, some people talk fast. But some talk slow and pause a lot. So you can easy speed up like 1.25x and maybe pause or slow down for complex and parts. I’m not great with videos I get soo impatient lol 😂 | |
5 | So this explains why I get so upset with myself when I can’t manage the housework and other people can’t understand why it bothers me so much. I don’t understand how people manage it all. | |
4 | I can really see the logic behind trying out this kind of strategy more. I do sometimes jot the odd note in entries in my outlook calendar. But using this more reliably would perhaps reduce that struggle with task initiation because I can’t fully recall the discussion when I agreed to do the task. | |
5 | I inadvertently do this already with Microsoft outlook they automatically set up reminders at 15 mins before a meeting/task you set in your calendar. | |
4 | I already do this and evcentually fall asleep. There are times where i've made the story to engaging and then cant sleep. | |
5 | This really helps with procrastination | |
3 | Waiting helps but I will sometimes end up buying the thing if I cant stop thinking about it.I will get it because of thos not because I realise I still need it | |
5 | Would love this if it were possible | |
5 | Couldn't work without a secondary monitor, for Work or personal. But I would say, 2 large monitors with high resolution work best for me. When working from the office, I only have 1 additional monitor to my laptop and the laptop screen is not big enough. For me they should ideally be the same or around the same size. | |
5 | This is a massively helpful way of paying attention in meetings ... or at least appearing to.. .because you can always refer back to your notes if you are asked about something 😉 | |
5 | I struggle starting tasks everyday, in my head I hear I am lazy but I feel over whelmed | |
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5 | is a must-have for people with neurodivergent brains. I use it often. I recommend it to my ND clients and they love it, especially the ones studying at uni. It breaks down tasks, it judges tone in text, it edits writing format to formal/friendly etc, and it even gives you recipe ideas. | |
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5 | Music is my life | |
5 | i love this analogy. It is a great explanation as to why I have felt like this! | |
5 | oh my gosh this made me cry it is exactly what my journey is about. | |
3 | This on its own isn't enough for me. I also need something like pomodoros and/or flow music, a clear plan of how to use the time so I can't dither over deciding what to do at the start of the two hours, and choosing the time of day carefully, like maybe after a good break of outside time to come to it fresh. With all of those caveats in place it can work but if I'm unclear, fatigued, etc it will just turn into a block of time when I can procrastinate (no meetings, no emails -- free to faff about)! | |
1 | Guess I'm just lazy and terrible then | |
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5 | I find this really helps me to stay focused and have a record of the discussion even if I don't need al of it | |
4 | I have already tried this (having thought of it myself) in an attempt to reduce my time spent in the shower. Certain artists signalling a change in the part of the shower routine for my OCD. It sort of helped for a short while, but then I started ignoring it. Can’t seem to override my own mind! | |
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5 | I work from home and was issued a laptop and 2 additional monitors that I never use but maybe now I’ll give it a try! | |
5 | So helpful, I was just struggling with this earlier and literally had to take my left hand to hold down my right from making another purchase on my cellphone | |
3 | I've never got on well with ebooks, because the "books" on the electronic device are easily forgotten. Physical books have a physical place in my space which helps me remember that they exist! And after a day of being on one device or another, I've found the act of reading a physical book in bed before sleep, to be quite relaxing and a nice "offline" activity. That said, for those who like e-readers, I'm sure this is equally a good strategy for them too - especially for the mentioned benefit of keeping your page! | |
5 | I have definitely found this to be true. I now have 3x monitors on my desk! It really makes a difference to my work as a software developer. | |
5 | I love this method and works well for me trying to get housework started, I just can't always get motivated to do it. | |
5 | I love this method and works well for me trying to get housework started, I just can't always get motivated to do it. | |
1 | IT's the wrong thing . It's important to brush . But we have to REMEMBER to do so , we don't all have a exact routine , they need to put an alarm INTO the toothbrush! And the roll on! and the dental floss , and the mouth wash , if we've left ourselfs enough time to get out of the door . | |
5 | This always helps me to focus better, especially if it is a boring meeting. | |
5 | I agree, but it can be seen as us being rude and antisocial. I know this from first hand experience. I think it boils down to the amount of ignorance there still is in the world on what ADHD and Autism really is. I find, if someone waffles on, I tend to phase out and then miss out on the important part of the message. The problem I have found that some people who have been alerted that I have ADHD, just don't understand what it means and react negatively towards me or treat me like I am some sort of idiot that has no brain. Each person that knows you have ADHD will treat you with regards to their own educated input as to how much they really know of what it means to be ADHD and their own bias towards it. | |
3 | I have this on m y phone, but you have to train yourself discipline to use it. | |
5 | I use this all the time for cooking. It is extremely helpful, until you are out of hearing range. | |
5 | I love this! I always knew something was different about me. When I was diagnosed in 2022, in my 50's, I cried. 1, because I was relieved to finally know why I am different, but also I cried because I felt I wasn't NORMAL. What I just read helps a lot. I am a NORMAL zebra and it is O.K that I am not a horse. I started to experience negative attitudes from people that I worked with, because I was transparent about being ADHD. It made me feel ashamed and I began to hide my LABEL. This has made me realise why it is important to be labelled and it is their shame of being ignorant, not mine. Hold your head up high and wear it on your t-shirt. Zebras are beautiful creatures in their own right! | |
5 | Wish I had heard of this before now. It may have helped in my last job. | |
5 | Very helpful! I often think the task through and write the process down. | |
3 | I would not use this for big tasks, as I often get stuck when going back to the task and find I will start all over again. However I will try this for smaller tasks, such as clearing up untidiness. | |
5 | I am definitely going to look into trying this. This looks VERY helpful. | |
5 | It looks very helpful. I would love to learn how to use this. | |
5 | I would love to learn about this, it sounds really helpful although I do feel nervous learning to use I.T. | |
5 | This sounds a great idea. | |
3 | I am just about to try this out. I hope this is going to be the answer for me. | |
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5 | Totally agree. When I am at a desk that has a purpose, with no distractions, It is so productive. | |
1 | I tried these and got accused of being antisocial. I did not find that they cut out enough sound and found them annoying to wear. I also do not like the look of the bulkiness of them. Mine cost cost a lot of money and I feel was a waste of my money. | |
2 | I do not think using high level sugar is helpful. I always crave it, then get a huge dip , however the low GI food is helpful. | |
5 | Brilliant! I have always done this. It is so helpful especially the rewind bit. | |
1 | Somewhat helpful. I have never felt lazy, just burnt out all the time. | |
4 | Good idea. I often put my impulse buys on a wish list, such as Amazon wish list. Most of the time I forget about it and it doesn't bother me. I then come across it and wonder why I put it on there in the first place. I then delete it. | |
1 | I'll give it a go and see. Don't think it will work for me though.Worth trying. | |
5 | Brilliant idea! | |
5 | I always get fed up and overwhelmed by too many emails, especially the ones not relevant to me and JUNK mail. I shove a lot in archives but this is a great idea. Is there a way of stopping junk mail that is not going to cost me fees? | |
1 | I need more help than this alone, it doesn't motivate me to brush twice, I am always exhausted by the time I go up to bed, or just fall asleep on the sofa. I burn out every day. | |
3 | Sounds a fun way of regulating organisation. | |
3 | I will try this, not sure that it will work for me, but I can understand the logic. | |
5 | This is a great idea, I will implement it within my new job. I often forget to break for lunch etc. | |
5 | I was accused of ignoring people because I was so focused. This complaint went to the highest level and instead of being seen as engrossed in my work, I was accused of being unsociable. I resigned one job because of this and I gave in my notice because of this at my recent job. | |
5 | Great idea. I tend to arrive early to avoid distractions anyway, this is an idea I will develop and introduce for the first few hours of every day and the last two. | |
5 | During COVID and the lockdown, I was never more productive or happier than when working from home. | |
5 | As per the last comment; completely agree that this is extremely helpful. I tend to get distracted by every conversation or noise and this greatly impacts on my productivity. Problem is that having a space like this is usually down to having your own office and that tends to upset those more senior individuals who believe this is a privilege to be earned. | |
3 | I have always struggled with food and sugar crashes. I like this idea and will give it a go | |
5 | Really good idea, something I will implement. | |
5 | This is pretty much the exactly how I manage tasks. It can be very frustrating for colleagues who are used to “just doing it”. It is very helpful in identifying novel ways of approaching tasks. | |
2 | My husband's recent impulse spending is on coffees and lunches at work that he cannot afford, there is no help here for those type of immediate consumable spending. | |
5 | This is a really brilliant analogy that explains the benefits of diagnosis in a simple way that's easy to understand. | |
5 | | |
5 | This promo has now ended but there is lots of great content awaiting you if you sign up for either course or via our youtube & Instagram pages. | |
2 | Code not working 7/8/23 | |
5 | Listening to training videos at normal speed feels like they're in slow motion can always go back and listen to some important info but at normal speed I get bored and so paying attention that I would have to go back and listen again anyway | |
3 | After my diagnosis I worry I have become lazy after being told I was for so long when I wasn't now I'm worried I'm using it as an excuse internally | |
1 | Samsung ultra s22 and 23 are good for writing notes | |
3 | Codes not working 6th August 23 | |
1 | Jobs I think will take 2 minutes never do and hard to predict distractions... jobs I don't like all feel like ling jobs and get put off. | |
2 | The fear that I will miss something really causes me issues automating the organising of my inbox so I'm stuck with overwhelm | |
5 | I can't work without 2 monitors when i need to look at 2 different windows because of my memory, but I keep changing my mind about how to most effectively use them. I still manage to lose things in a sea of tabs and windows and have to periodically make sure I close everything I don't need to stop the overwhelm. | |
1 | Never heard of brush tracking before | |
3 | I end up procrastinating and fussing with my calendar trying to perfect my time blocking and day plan. I also find it hard to decide when I will be ready to focus in advance and which tasks to prioritise. Also can't be too strict with the do not disturb in my role. | |
4 | Sometimes I use the countdown to get out of bed in the mornings. Worked well at first but like everything else it's not as effective after a while. | |
1 | I can spend all day doing 2 minutes task and then the important things NEVER get done | |
5 | Yes, I self sabotage telling myself I'm lazy and a failure when my outcomes/output is the same as my colleagues, sometimes higher. But I zone out so often it's embarrasing and the guilt/shame factor can be overwhelming. I end up working overtime to try and catch up. I'm always tired. | |
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2 | I agree that setting time to achieve boring work (for me admin of any kind) is important, and I also disagree that blocking contact from others would help. Having extra things happening on the side of the main task is what helps me to do that task. In being distracted I can quietly finish the main task without the pain of solely focussing on it. I think of it like a storm, if I look into the eye of it, I’m disabled, if I whirl around in it I can take part | |
5 | I find this helps me to stay focused. At normal speed I get distracted in the less informative bits then realise I’ve ignored the video for five minutes and don’t know what’s going on any more. | |
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5 | It was stressful when I have hot desked. A minority of staff members could be a little unwilling to share their space. A permanent desk is always better, | |
5 | | |
4 | I have a focus element added to my working day from 7 am to 11 am,which blocks notifications or calls .Invaluable to me ,even if I only focus on one thing ( as long as its important ,relevant and needs to be done ! ) it's one thing done.N9t perfect all the time but 80% worth it. | |
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5 | I haven't tried it yet, but I think this technique will work well for me! I'm just getting to grips with learning to work from home instead of in a factory and I think this technique will help me move forward better with getting myself started with "no pressure" from someone else to do it/clocking in like I would normally have at work. | |
5 | I love it. I find it so easy to link documents together making them easy to find again. It just works with my brain. I use it with git to store everything non-work related in one place that I can access from anywhere - on my phone, at home, at work. | |
5 | Useful for object permanence and working memory issues. Previously I would often start something and then the window would get hidden by other windows and I would forget I was working on it. With 2 monitors there's a much higher chance the window is still visible and I won't forget about it. | |
1 | It’s not free | |
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0 | test of a 5 rating | |
0 | ABSOLUTELY! Speed up to keep my focus. I find 1.5 times speed is perfect for me. | |
5 | At the age of 57 I have finally approached my GP regarding my suspicions re my having ADHD and have been reffered to the Adult ADHD/Autism Service - I know that it will be a long wait to get even the initial assessing appointment and I was begining to wonder what's the point? Imposter syndrome reaing it's ugly mug too. The Zebra analogy is just what I needed to read today having had numerous friends ask me why I need a label. Now I've got a clear explanation of how it feels to have this big question mark over my head - am I a zebra or just a funny looking awkward horse? | |
3 | Codes are now working again (17th July 2023). There was a glitch which has now been fixed. | |
4 | I tend to use the Pomodoro Technique only when struggling to get the motivation to start a task and not being able to focus on it. | |
5 | Very useful. I've always done this in meetings and lectures. I think I discovered it helped during lectures. I can easily follow but then immediately forget what I've just heard so if I take copious notes I can go over them afterwards. Otherwise I will forget the salient points. I would recommend not taking. I do it in conversations too now and find Google keep helps with this because it's very accessible. | |
5 | Definitely helpful. I'm 70 and have not had an ADHD diagnosis because when I was at school, causing trouble and not concentrating, it wasn't a recognised condition. Now finally I understand the cause of all the difficulties I've endured in education and work. I definitely relate better to other people with ADHD. Others often find me weird and annoying. Now I know why and can explain the reasons I behave as I do. Yes I'm a zebra. | |
5 | | |
5 | Useful | |
4 | I use Marconi Union - Weightless to block out distractions | |
5 | I like this idea. I haven't heard of it before. I shall try it. I suffer badly from being overwhelmed by tasks and then once I start, finding too many other things need doing first. | |
2 | Doesn't really work for me as I get hyper-focused on the purchase or items. | |
3 | I use this strategy, but often find myself focusing on something more interesting than the task I’m supposed to be doing. I sometimes miss meetings because I’m engrossed in a piece of work I don’t actually need to do at all | |
5 | Just to let you know the discount code isn't working now so I guess they've all been used? Thanks for all that you do! | |
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5 | test | |
0 | If I have to be present in a dull meeting I try to take big notes. Even if I know I am not going to use them. It is a crutch to get me through the meeting and does really help. | |
4 | PLEASE BE PERTINENT. Gawd don't waffle and don't waste my time with nonsense I don't need to know about. Totally agree with this strategy....only problem is that I've been known to waffle and go off an quite a lot of tangents so is a bit hard to be harsh on others on this. | |
0 | This changed me from having an issue in the morning to just not having an issue. Really made a big difference. | |
0 | Almost everyone in the northern hemisphere should do this. WHen I don't take vitamin D I notice a little while later that my mood has dropped. Fundamentally alters my mood level in a positive manner. | |
0 | Great as a first stage helper. Can't do it all but does a great first crack that you can then amend. | |
0 | We use it every day in the office. Has really helped us organise between people. | |
0 | I especially love this for cooking | |
0 | Gamechanger | |
0 | I am a norma zebra dammit. Not a weird horse! | |
0 | This has made a really big difference to me. | |
0 | Love it for sending out emails at "appropriate times" and not showing that I was working at an odd time of day or evening. I also use it when I know I need to send someone an email later and don't want to forget it. "I set this to remind you. Ignore if you've already done [whatever thing here]". | |
4 | Not tried it yet but it looks good and I am seriously thinking about it. | |
0 | An absolute requirement for working outside of the office. | |
0 | This is my nightly routine. Fall asleep holding my kindle. It saves the page for next time. I used to read books and the frustration of losing my page was immense. | |
2 | On occassion it works for me. But I struggle with holding the story and not getting distracted by other things. | |
3 | I like it but I find all the apps means I can get lost in other things. | |
3 | I like it but I find all the apps means I can get lost in other things. | |
0 | I really really like it. I've found it very useful. | |
4 | Yes - but the learning curve is brutal. Good for when working with teams. Don't find it useful for my work alone as it exposes the very non-linear path I take! | |
4 | This is helpful but managers sometimes get annoyed by it. So use with caution. | |
3 | This helps but is tough to ensure it always gets put in. | |
1 | I hate it. It never ends in sync with my work and just tries to interrupt me when I am in flow. | |
4 | Love it for catching up on what people have said. But some people REALLY don't like it if you have it on. I tend to have it on quietly on my phone so it doesn't disturb or upset people. | |
4 | It is good. Fast. Multi-platform. Syncs with other people. Only problem is that the organisation can turn into a jumble and then I get lost. | |
0 | THIS HAS CHANGED MY WORLD! I use calendly and the to and fro of scheduling has gone for me. Game changer! | |
4 | Can be incredible. But also can find myself not doing what I need to do in that time. Making sure I do the right thing is also part of the key. | |
0 | I love working from home. My own environment that I can make perfect for me. But I know a lot of people who struggle and don't have great situations at home. | |
4 | This can make a big difference but it does really depend on who is in the room with you! Big rooms can be quieter and easier to work in when compared to a small room with loud people in it. | |
0 | Very difficult to explain to neurotypical people how important this is and that the level of distraction that distracts me is so different from theirs. This is so important but I find myself competing with people because everyone prefers a quiet desk. They just don't realise how essential this is to me. | |
0 | The stress of getting a desk I can work at is huge. Being able to know where I am going to work is very important. | |
0 | I think something everyone can agree on. Every office needs these. | |
3 | So simple. But also weirdly complicated. Fell in love with it for a few days then dropped it just as quick. | |
3 | Used it and dropped it. I quite like it. Simple interface is great but speed of app opening a problem for me. I find I've forgotten by the time it is open. Also find moving things around on the app difficult. So used for a while and then stopped using it. | |
0 | I've a pair at home and a pair at the office so I know I'm never without. Absolutely game changer for me. But not as good as non-ADHD people seem to think. Doesn't block out loud people on the phone etc. consideration is still needed. | |
1 | Just too much for me. I find it useful to know where things are and recognise the logos and positioning of icons. | |
3 | Right, I really like sweets and they like me. Especially in the afternoon. I do avoid sugar in morning and lunchtime as the crash for the rest of the day is a problem. But later in the day I find the sugar bump useful. | |
0 | ABSOLUTELY! Speed up to keep my focus. I find 1.5 times speed is perfect for me. | |
0 | Dammit this is so important. Spent so long thinking I was lazy because that is what others said. | |
3 | Lack of sync means this isn't one for me. Good for notes on books but not much else. | |
0 | I've started them and so far enjoyed them. | |
3 | I find this only sometimes works. I find myself obsessively locked into purchases and very hard to shake off doing it. | |
3 | Not one for me but I can see how it might help other people. | |
4 | Really important to help avoid overwhelm by removing these from the system. But risk of cascading into other things big. | |
4 | Love it so much! But not something I could do in every workplace I'v been in, | |
0 | Big difference on helping me avoid working memory issues. Instead of needing to flip between tabs and recall I can just have both up at the same time. | |
0 | Um. I've taken the view that its so much better then I don't need the full 2 minutes! Definitely better than manual and better than before. | |
0 | Love it. When the music comes on I know I need to jump into action. It also helps me know when I am starting to run late. If I hear a certain song and should already be nearly leaving I know I need to hurry. | |
4 | I found this can really help for those things where the need isn't immediately obvious. But time needed to write it (and difficulty to not then forget other things while I try to write it) means I don't do it all the time. | |
0 | Changed my world. I also set the 3 minute alarm for when I need to leave the house or other time sensitive things. | |
0 | Makes a massive difference. Essential to achieving and feeling a sense of achievement. Doing things as one block feels so much more satisfying than doing them in a fragmented whirl amongst many other things. | |
5 | | |
2 | It depends on the task. | |
3 | This is a good idea | |
3 | This is a good idea | |
3 | This is a good idea | |
3 | testing 123 | |
4 | test submission | |
4 | Test Entry with Meta Description | |
3 | Sometimes works but not always right away... sometimes i'm a good hour into my focus time before i actually start doing the thing i was meant to be doing. Might try an hour to increase urgency of getting down to it | |
3 | It sometimes works however, because I've set the time aside to do a specific task I will do something else instead. | |
4 | I've done this subconsciously with the CBeebies theme tunes in the morning so I can keep track of getting my children to school. All great until the CBeebies schedule changes! | |
5 | Test of a 5 rating | |
5 | 5 star | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
5 | Test of 5 stars | |
3 | I find it useful | |
4 | Test rating | |
5 | 5 | |
4 | Rating | |
5 | Test rating | |
5 | Test rating | |
4 | Test rating | |
4 | Test rating | |
4 | 4star | |
5 | Test rating | |
5 | Rating | |
5 | Test rating | |
5 | Danny test rating | |
5 | Test comment Danny | |
5 | Test rating | |
4 | Test | |
4 | 4 | |
5 | test | |
5 | test | |
5 | Rating | |
4 | Test rating | |
4 | 4 | |
3 | Test rating | |
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4 | Test | |
4 | 4 star rating | |
5 | Rating | |
4 | Rating | |
5 | Rating | |
5 | 5 | |
4 | Test Rating | |
4 | 4 | |
4 | Rating | |
4 | test rating | |
5 | 5 | |
4 | Rating | |
4 | Test | |
4 | Test | |
5 | Test | |
5 | Test | |
4 | Test | |
4 | Test Rating | |
4 | Rating | |
4 | Rating | |
4 | Test rating | |
4 | Test rating | |
3 | Testing a three star rating and comment | |
3 | Example three star review | |
4 | Test | |
5 | Test Rating | |
4 | Test | |
5 | This is a 4 star rating | |
5 | Test | |
5 | 5 star rating | |
4 | Test | |
5 | Test 5 Star | |
4 | Test | |
5 | Test- 5 star rating | |
5 | 5 star rating | |
3 | This is a three star review | |
4 | Test - this should be a four star rating. | |
5 | Test 5 star comment | |
3 | This should be a three | |
4 | this is a 4 | |
4 | testing this should be a 4 | |
5 | Testing. This is a 5. | |
3 | testing. Should be a three | | | || | ||
3 star rating again | | |
3 star rating | | |
test2 | | |
test | | |
Star Rating Given | Comment | URL |